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Safe Digging

Pipeline safety is about more than just safe digging. When living and working around pipelines, you need to know the facts so that you can help keep your family, worksite or community safe. Here you can access information about various situations that could pose risks to pipelines, and how to prevent those risks from becoming reality.

Thank you for taking safety seriously.

Explore safe digging topics


Crossings & Encroachments

Crossing or “encroachment” can mean many things, but simply put it means conducting any work on a pipeline ROW or driving over or along a ROW, both of which require approval from TC Energy.

Learn more about crossings and crossing agreements: Canada   |   US


Driving over pipelines

When working on new forestry roads or cleared areas in rural land, it can be easy to miss or ignore pipeline markers. Find out how heavy loads can impact a pipeline and what steps you can take to prevent damage.

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Homeowner DIY

Building a deck or installing fence? A project doesn’t have to be big to need a One-Call. Anytime you put a digging tool in the ground, you need to be sure of what is underneath, so you can prevent dangerous situations. Why take the risk?

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Drainage or trenching work

Fixing drainage issues is one of the highest-risk activities around pipelines. The heavy equipment and depths involved can put you and the pipeline in imminent danger.

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Farming & Agriculture

It’s your land, we just want to help you work safely. Many farming activities can be done without a crossing agreement or a One-Call.

Click here for more details: Canada  |  US

Boot pushing shovel in ground

April Dig Safe Month

For many, April marks the beginning of a busy construction season. Remember, always call or click before you dig. It’s a free and fast service. Why take the risk?

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Working near our pipelines

Any work on a pipeline ROW needs approval from the pipeline operator. We have some helpful guidelines so that you know what to expect when planning your project.

Canada  |  U.S.


Do’s and Don’ts on a ROW

Do you know which activities on a right-of-way are safe and which are not? Get educated about how to use a ROW safely and responsibly.

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Youth Energy Safe Program

Everyone has a part to play in safety. Our program teaches youth about underground utility safety through a variety of educational resources including presentations, videos, and materials for interactive games.

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Life-saving information

Emergency contacts


Click Before You Dig

Emergency contacts

United States

In case of emergency, click here for contact numbers

Contact our US crossings team:


Landowner inquiries:

General inquiries:


Emergency contacts


Call before you Dig:
